Publication title: The appropriateness of these comments to the subject mater of “The Day of Vengeance,” or “The Battle of Armageddon”, (as it is now called) as the latter would appear to the mind of the clergy, is self-evident.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 242
Each of these systems will utter the same things, and these utterances will have the effect of gathering the kingdoms of earth together to the Battle of Armageddon.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 250
It is the croaking of the Beast, the Dragon and the False Prophet that will arouse the kings of earth and gather them together to the Armageddon Battle.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 251
They do not realize, however, that they are coming to Armageddon; yet strange to say, this is a part of their very cry, ‘Come together to Armageddon!’
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 251
‘For a brief time, as we understand the Scriptures, these combined forces of Armageddon will triumph. Free speech, free mails, and other liberties which have come to be the very breath of the masses in our day, will be ruthlessly shut off on the plea of necessity, the glory of God, the commands of the Church, etc.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 252
“At this juncture, the Scriptures show, Divine Power will step forward, and God will gather the marshaled hosts to Armageddon—to the Mount of Destruction. (Rev. 16:16.)
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 252
“The same principle will apply in the coming Battle of Armageddon. God’s side of that battle will be the people’s side; and that very nondescript host, the people, will be pitted at the beginning of the battle. Anarchists, Socialists, and hot-headed radicals of every school of reason and unreason, will be in the forefront of that battle. He who has any knowledge of army life knows that a great army is composed of all classes.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 252, 253
“The question now arises, Why did not God send His Kingdom sooner? Why is Armageddon necessary? We answer that God has His own times and seasons, and that He has appointed the Great Seventh Thousand-Year Day for the reign of Christ. Divine Wisdom has withheld until our day the great knowledge and skill which is breeding at the same time millionaires and discontents. Had God lifted the veil of ignorance a thousand years sooner, the world would have lined up for Armageddon a thousand years sooner. God did not bring these things before the present time because His Plan has various parts, all of which are converging at the same time. In kindness God veiled the eyes of mankind until the gathering to Armageddon would immediately precede Messiah’s taking to Himself His great power and beginning His reign. (Rev. 11:17, 18.)-D v-xvi.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 253
Unto a place called in the Hebrew tongue [Armageddon] ARMAGEDON.-“the fact that St. John has employed a word (Har-Magedon), “The destruction of their troop,’ not found in connection with any locality or historical event, of itself points to a figurative interpretation. (Zech. 12:11) Nor indeed are we to think of literal warfare.” (Cook.) “The world ‘mountain’ in the term Armageddon-‘ ‘Mountain of Megiddo’-seems to have been used because Megiddo was in a mountainous region, though the battles were fought in a valley adjacent.
The Finished Mystery. 1917. p. 256