As Noah gave warning at the command of God, so also the Lord God commands his faithful ones on the earth, at the second coming of Christ, to give full warning by preaching ‘this gospel of his kingdom’ as a witness to the world, and to do this just preceding the time of the complete destruction of the world at Armageddon.-Matthew 24:14, 21.
Enemies. 1937. p. 45, 46
The Devil and his angels have been active from the time of the rebellion at Eden until now, and will continue active until their destruction at Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 53
A howl means a wail of great distress or despair. When is that howl to begin? From the Scriptures it seems certain that the complete fulfillment of this prophecy is at the beginning of Armageddon, that is, the beginning of the “strange act” of the Almighty God. (Isaiah 28:21)
Enemies. 1937. p. 215, 216
The prophecy of the “seventy years” mentioned by Isaiah, in 23:15, corresponds with a like prophecy of “seventy years” prophesied by Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 25) What is there described by Jeremiah as coming to pass at the end of seventy years, is actually fulfilled in completion prior to Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 216
This great distress mentioned by the prophets above quoted clearly applies to Armageddon.-Revelation 16:13-16.
Enemies. 1937. p. 217
In the year 1848 distress came upon the Roman Catholic organization; also in 1870, and continued more or less until 1918; but such as then occurred could in no way compare with what will come to pass at Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 217, 218
This indicates that at the very beginning of Armageddon the religious organizations as such will perish and others seeing it will wail.
Enemies. 1937. p. 220
Religion has been a means employed by the Devil to build his mighty organization on earth, which has deceived millions; and religion and religionists, according to the prophecies of God, will be the first of Satan’s organization to be destroyed at the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 221
The fall of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the religious organization, will bring great pain to the remaining portions of Satan’s visible organization, because they will observe the ability of Jehovah’s Executioner to perform Jehovah’s “strange act” at Armageddon, and it will be evident to the remaining ones that they have no power to protect themselves and that their turn for destruction is next.
Enemies. 1937. p. 228
The prophecy at the 23d chapter of Isaiah, at this point, continues to speak of the conditions of the Hierarchy and their allies, and the time is immediately before and at the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 229, 230
At the beginning of Armageddon Jehovah will execute that hypocritical organization.
Enemies. 1937. p. 231
The day of recompense is absolutely certain to come, and the pay-off will be at the beginning of Armageddon, and the Hierarchy will find no way to avoid it.
Enemies. 1937. p. 234
With the beginning of Armageddon modern Tyre will cease, and no more will ‘her feet carry her and her missionaries to the many lands of the earth, there to seek new markets in which to exploit the people, but she will go to the place where she will remain permanently.
Enemies. 1937. p. 234
Jehovah’s “strange work” is now exposing the duplicity and hypocrisy of those self-styled “honourable” ones ; and his “strange act”, at the beginning of Armageddon, will rid the earth of that hypocritical religious organization and will proceed to the complete wrecking of the entire organization of the Devil. As Armageddon begins, the destruction of religionists will appear to all who are not on the side of Jehovah and his King as “strange”, very “strange”.-Isaiah 28:21.
Enemies. 1937. p. 240, 241
When Armageddon begins, that restraint will be removed, and “no restraint any more” will be upon Jehovah’s witnesses, because the witness work in the earth will then be finished and the marking and gathering of the “great multitude” by the Lord to himself will be completed.-Revelation 7:9-17; Ezekiel 9:4-6.
Enemies. 1937. p. 243
At Armageddon, Jehovah, by his Executioner, rids the sea and the land of all of Tyre’s trade ships, that is, her instruments, vessels and tools, supporters and dupes.
Enemies. 1937. p. 244
Viewing the prophecy of the twenty-third chapter of Isaiah as a whole, it appears that the period of rejoicing by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy precedes Armageddon, and just a short time before the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 246
The Roman Catholic religious organization has practiced whoredom with “all the kings” or ruling powers of the earth of Satan’s visible organization, but the time comes, just preceding the beginning of Armageddon, when the Lord convinces the “ten kings” or ruling forces of the nations, which turn on the harlot religious system, and that system becomes greatly oppressed.
Enemies. 1937. p. 247
Says the prophet in answer: “He brought it to ruin,” (E.R.V.) “he made it a ruin”; that is, Jehovah’s Executioner at the beginning of Armageddon brings the Devil religious system to ruin.
Enemies. 1937. p. 252
The statement is similar to the words used in Isaiah 23:1 and shows that the “howl” is raised at the beginning of Armageddon and when the Hierarchy falls.
Enemies. 1937. p. 252, 253
Practically at the same time the World War began on the earth. It is the time of the beginning of Satan’s overthrow, which will ultimately culminate at Armageddon. Reference to that time is made in the prophecy of Isaiah 23:15, where it is written: “And it shall come to pass in THAT DAY." At this point the prophecy in fulfillment moves back from a consideration of the things that will come to pass at the beginning of Armageddon and gives consideration to things or causes directly provoking that conflict.
Enemies. 1937. p. 265
The words of “the song of the harlot” are addressed to the harlot herself, that is to say, to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and at the period after the end of the World War in 1918, and which is after the enemy Satan and his wicked crowd of angels had been cast out of heaven and down to the earth and when Satan began to gather his forces., visible and invisible, to Armageddon. (Revelation 12:7-9; 16:13-16)
Enemies. 1937. p. 272
The combine of the nations, under the influence of organized religion, was lined up behind the Hague International Arbitration Court, which went out of sight during the World War but quickly came up out of the pit following the World War: “And the beast that was, and is not [during the World War], even he is the eighth [world power; namely, the combine of the League of Nations with Devil-religion riding, and is of the seven [previous world powers, existing before the World War], and goeth into perdition [at Armageddon, the harlot being first unseated and destroyed].”-Revelation 17:11.
Enemies. 1937. p. 289, 290
As to the “merchandise” and “hire” of a material kind, that is, all the material wealth of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, that, to be sure, shall be left behind by the old harlot when, at the beginning of Armageddon, the religious system shall be destroyed.
Enemies. 1937. p. 297
Those who survive Armageddon will find better use for such, because they will use material things to the glory of God in his service.
Enemies. 1937. p. 297
The promise of Jehovah is that those persons of good will who ‘seek righteousness and meekness’ may be “hid” during Armageddon and dwell thereafter on the earth.
Enemies. 1937. p. 297
When the Hierarchy has reached her zenith of glory and is supposed to be in absolute security, then God, through Christ Jesus, completely wrecks the old-harlot organization, and that marks the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 302
Enemies. 1937. p. 326
The word “Armageddon” means the place of assembly of troops, that is, where God’s people are, and Satan gathers his forces together to destroy them.
Enemies. 1937. p. 326, 327
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”-Revelation 16:13, 14, 16.
Enemies. 1937. p. 327
The climax comes at the battle of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 327
Jehovah foretold that the Hierarchy would make such boastful claims, and long ago he caused his prophet to record a prophecy concerning the Roman Catholic religious organization, in which that devilish organization is represented as saying: Yes, Armageddon is coming, but the overflowing scourge shall not come unto us, for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehoods have we hid ourselves.
Enemies. 1937. p. 329
That will mark the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 330
And when will the end of that hypocritical, religious organization come? At the beginning of Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 331
Religion and religious practitioners will be the first to be destroyed at Armageddon.
Enemies. 1937. p. 334
Now behold Jesus Christ pictured as riding upon a war mount and going forth to war with all the enemy forces, and being followed by his armies in heaven, before whose onward march the “beast” and “false prophet” will be utterly unable to stand: Armageddon will proceed.
Enemies. 1937. p. 335
Armageddon will not be a fight between the members of Satan’s organization, but, as is plainly stated in the Scriptures, it is the battle of God Almighty in which he, through Christ Jesus and his army, will wreck Satan’s entire wicked organization, that the earth may be cleansed from all iniquity.
Enemies. 1937. p. 336
The earth is full of wickedness and wicked creatures; and when Armageddon is done, all the wicked on the earth will be dead, for God has declared they shall be slain by the hand of Christ Jesus.
Enemies. 1937. p. 337
The Scriptures answer: ‘Come out of her and be separate from her, lest ye partake of her sins and receive of her plagues,’ which shall befall her at Armageddon.-2 Corinthians 6:16-18; Revelation 18:4.
Enemies. 1937. p. 346
All the wars combined that have ever afflicted mankind cannot be compared to what Armageddon will bring upon the world in the way of trouble.
Enemies. 1937. p. 351
When the battle of Armageddon is done and all the wicked are destroyed, peace will then abide for ever, because the great “Prince of Peace” will rule and “of his government and peace there shall be no end”. (Isaiah 9:7)
Enemies. 1937. p. 353
Armageddon will destroy all the visible enemies, and in the reign of Christ sickness and death will be destroyed; as it is written: “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
Enemies. 1937. p. 353, 354