He says that the modern Philistines are a “bunch of highwaymen in black nightgowns, will be completely destroyed at Armageddon, and Jehovah’s name will be completely vindicated”.
Consolation. January 11, 1939 p. 8
Those who are not diligent to prove this to themselves now, and honestly face the facts, will be found fighting against God at Armageddon, the great battle of God Almighty, in which all of His enemies will be destroyed.
Consolation. January 25, 1939 p. 25, 26
Judge Rutherford shows that Jesus, who has “the keys of death and of hell”, is swinging them wide open and they will swing wider and wider until, in Armageddon, that evil institution disappears for ever from among men.
Consolation. January 25, 1939 p. 27
The result of this choice, the Collapse of “Christendom”, will come in Armageddon.
Consolation. February 8, 1939 p. 4
When the religious gangster that instigated this crime perishes at Armageddon, every decent person that knows the facts will offer praise to God.
Consolation. February 8, 1939 p. 5
How far the Jesuits will progress with their program before Armageddon overtakes them remains to be seen.
Consolation. February 8, 1939 p. 10
Is there any reason why the great Creator, Jehovah God, should wish to spare this generation from Armageddon?
Consolation. February 8, 1939 p. 25
Soon the “strange work” of Jehovah in which His witnesses on earth now participate in exposing religion and its pitfalls and in giving warning to the people of impending Armageddon will be finished, and then will follow quickly the end of religion, religious institutions, and political schemes
Consolation. February 22, 1939 p. 18
AS WE approach closer and closer to the great climax of Armageddon, the feeling of awe and wonder with which we must face the tremendous spectacle of the demonstration of small fraction of the unlimited power of the Creator begins to take hold on us.
Consolation. February 22, 1939 p. 23
Remaining, it seems to have fulfilled a twofold purpose: first, that of shortening the life-span of man on the earth; and, secondly, that of providing the means of the physical demonstration of Jehovah’s power at Armageddon and, by its fall, forging the new (physical) heavens and earth
Consolation. February 22, 1939 p. 24
All the better; the sooner the two opposing sides are in position, the sooner Armageddon will be over and Jehovah name vindicated.-John Cooke, France.
Consolation. March 8, 1939 p. 23
The Hierarchy will get their medicine in Armageddon, when they are dragged out by the heels to the dunghill, and left there, “an abhorring unto all flesh.”-Isaiah 66:24.
Consolation. March 22, 1939 p. 13
Section heading: Armageddon Will Finish the Job
Consolation. March 22, 1939 p. 18
It shows how the people are deceived by the priests and clergy, and how their religious organizations will be destroyed at the hands of Almighty God in His battle at Armageddon, now close at hand.
Consolation. April 5, 1939 p. 11
The fact is, Mr. G. G. B., that the truth has cut you to the quick, and such malicious, wicked accusations will shortly be recompensed upon your own head, when Jehovah takes action against all His enemies at Armageddon. -C. Daniels, London.
Consolation. April 5, 1939 p. 14
The battle of Armageddon, soon to take place, will not miss the European community of Southern Rhodesia.
Consolation. May 3, 1939 p. 7
They carry a message of warning that those who now refuse to give heed to the Word of God and who do not forsake religion will perish for ever in the battle of Armageddon, which is just ahead.
Consolation. May 3, 1939 p. 31
Further, concerning Jehovah’s witnesses, we find these contradictory statements: ‘On the highways, motorists are assailed at every turn with their slogan, “Millions Now Living Will Never Die!”’ “. . . this creed preaches that the day is close at hand when will take place the Battle of Armageddon. . . . On that day, all but the righteous-say 200,000-will be wiped form the face of the glove.”
Consolation. May 17, 1939 p. 19
At the battle of the great day of God Almighty, called “Armageddon”, the final end of religion will come, and that time, according to the words of Christ Jesus, “shall be great tribulation, such as was not [known]since the beginning of the world.” (Matthew 24:21)
Consolation. May 31, 1939 p. 17
The rejection of the name Jehovah by the religionists is further evidence of the fulfillment prophecy showing that we are now in the last days, when Satan is hurrying all nations to Armageddon.
Consolation. May 31, 1939 p. 18
This calls for still greater effort on the part of each one to get this message in the hands of the people before Armageddon begins.
Consolation. May 31, 1939 p. 26
Probably he will for the short time before the judgments of God fall upon that great system and upon all other religious organizations in the commencement of the destruction of Armageddon, now hastening on.
Consolation. May 31, 1939 p. 30
Question: In Hitler’s mind, who are the master propel and who is the man of highest value? Another question: In the mind of the great Creator, Jehovah God, who are they, and will Hitler win or lose in the great battle of Armageddon, which will settle the matter for ever?
Consolation. June 14, 1939 p. 5, 6
Last September, when Europe was at the verge of another world war, the people in Germany were full of fear and foreboding. Everywhere one could hear people remark that Armageddon is impending.
Consolation. June 14, 1939 p. 19
These happening in one-time Protestant Scotland, and even on the street named after John Knox, its most prominent Protestant, serve as a hint that Armageddon draws nigh, which will result in the vindication of Jehovah’s name, and cause rejoicing in the heart of everyone that survives.
Consolation. June 14, 1939 p. 27
Publication title: Armageddon
Consolation. June 14, 1939 p. 31
For the purpose of declaring His name and notifying the people of His purpose, in order that the people of good will toward Him, and who desire righteousness, may know what to do; also that notice may be served upon God’s enemies that His purpose is to destroy them at Armageddon, which is near at hand.
Consolation. June 28, 1939 p. 17
God has blessed me and my family already by giving me an understanding of this great truth, that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is the Devil’s organization and He will destroy it soon at Armageddon.
Consolation. July 12, 1939 p. 21
THE world-wide convention of Jehovah’s witnesses centering in New York city June 23-25, 1939, one of the most important assemblies ever held, had three principal features: (a) Judge Rutherford’s address on “Victory”, open to all, broadcast over the planet; (b) the public address on “Government and Peace” to an audience that packed the great Madison Square Garden to the roof with 18,000 listeners, also broadcast to all parts of the world; (c) the first presentation of the book Salvation, guide to truth and life for the Jonadabs, who hope to escape Armageddon.
Consolation. July 26, 1939 p. 7
In this Province Christian people, whose sole work is to magnify the name of Almighty God, proclaim His kingdom under Christ, warn the people of the imminence of Armageddon, and point out the sins of the religionists and the people, and tell them to amend their ways and their doings (Jeremiah 7:2-8), are persecuted and their home raided by the office of the attorney-general of they Province.
Consolation. July 26, 1939 p. 12
The rulers have heard much about the approaching battle of Armageddon.
Consolation. July 26, 1939 p. 17
All who hold to and practice relation are easily made afraid, and the end of such will come at the battle of Armageddon.
Consolation. July 26, 1939 p. 18
It all goes to show that in the coming Armageddon, the United States will not escape the general line-up.
Consolation. August 9, 1939 p. 7
The practice of putting the state above Jehovah is another evidence of the fulfillment of prophecy, showing that the day of Armageddon is just at hand.
Consolation. August 9, 1939 p. 18
I cited many scriptures to prove that the world war, as stated by Jesus, ·was “the beginning of sorrows” upon, the nations of earth and that those sorrows would continue until the final end at Armageddon.
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 4
I emphasized this fact: that if clergymen believed the Lord Jesus Christ and did represent Him they should obey His commandment; and obeying it they must be telling the people what the war meant and that this was evidence of the end of Satan’s organization and that soon Armageddon would follow; and that they should tell the people that God’s kingdom is the only hope of the world and urge them to prepare for the final end.
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 4
There will be no peace on earth until after Armageddon, which is the battle of the great day of God Almighty, and in which Satan’s organization, including the religious institutions, shall be completely destroyed.
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 17
Section heading: Waiting for Armageddon
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 26
Waiting for Armageddon, and not realizing that it will treat him worse than he treated Judge Rutherford’s books, the “Reverend” R. R. Ohaver, pastor of the Hillside Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, wrote to one of Jehovah’s people who had withdrawn from his cage:
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 26
Nothing but the absolute breaking down of the nations and the destruction of all their policies, imperial or isolationist, will free those who are ready to give God the honor due to His name, and this He purposes to bring about in the destruction of Armageddon, when every evil thing will be destroyed, and those who seek Him will serve Him as He first purposed.
Consolation. August 23, 1939 p. 29
What yet may happen we can’t say. Day by day it appears clearly that the Devil is gathering the nations to Armageddon.
Consolation. September 6, 1939 p. 10
We try to picture what these mountains will be like when the might and power of Jehovah is manifested at Armageddon.
Consolation. September 6, 1939 p. 14
SALVATION is a textbook for the Jonadabs and it contains information that you need to know before Armageddon.
Consolation. September 6, 1939 p. 32
Only the Lord can and will destroy the Catholic Hierarchy, the arch criminal doing the will of Satan the Devil, and this He will do at Armageddon.-Elton Groves.
Consolation. September 20, 1939 p. 19
All O.K., boys; go to it while you can, for your everlasting destruction at Armageddon impends.
Consolation. September 20, 1939 p. 23
Now Jehovah God is having the gospel message of the Kingdom preached to all nations as a witness, and shortly in the battle of Armageddon He will destroy all these present kingdoms and set up the kingdom of Christ in completeness.
Consolation. September 20, 1939 p. 27, 28
Satan, knowing that his time is short before the final battle at Armageddon, has brought great woes upon the peoples of earth, and these woes have constantly increased since 1918. (Revelation 12:12)
Consolation. October 4, 1939 p. 3
WITH Armageddon almost within reach it is inevitable that the totalitarian monstrosity should begin to make its appearance in America, and many are wondering if Coughlin is the peculiar combination of Catholicism, craftiness, conceit, inconsistency and inflammatory oratorical power necessary to put it over.
Consolation. October 4, 1939 p. 7
He will be fully rewarded for that service when destroyed in Armageddon, but is entitled to some temporary compensation in advance. This is it.
Consolation. October 4, 1939 p. 8
Twelve of Judge Rutherford’s wonderful books can be had for that money, and any one of them is worth a million times more to any person who wants to live through Armageddon than all the things Hitler and Coughlin have ever written or said or done in their whole lives, or than they will ever do.
Consolation. October 4, 1939 p. 9
War has shed the blood of many innocents, and in the battle of Armageddon, which rapidly approaches, Jehovah God himself will take vengeance on the nations because of their wholesale slaughter of human lives.
Consolation. October 4, 1939 p. 23
The greatest war of all time, Armageddon, is ahead.
Consolation. October 18, 1939 p. 4
Take your stand on God’s side now. In Armageddon it will be too late.
Consolation. October 18, 1939 p. 27
The present war in Europe is international and distinctly commercial, and not for the cause of righteousness or righteous government. It is not the beginning of Armageddon.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 17
To the witnesses on earth who are serving God immediately preceding Armageddon Jehovah the Lord of hosts gives command, which command tells of His purpose and what will be the outcome.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 17
Let all your men of war come on now to the battle field of Armageddon.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 17
Jehovah strategically maneuvers both the enemy as well as His own forces, and assembles them to the place and time of the battle of Armageddon; and that assembling includes all the nations of the earth, because all are against Jehovah’s and His King, Christ Jesus, the new world’s Rightful Ruler.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 18
Then His enemies and all who oppose the Almighty One, whether they are aware of so doing or not, will go down in that last and greatest battle of all time, Armageddon.-From Consolation. for May 31, 1939, Australian Edition.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 24
Our preacher says we should not read them. You had better, because all the churches are going to crumble at Armageddon.
Consolation. November 1, 1939 p. 24
Bible prophecies clearly foretold these days, with violence on every hand within and without the nations. These are the last days, when Satan’s entire organization of world control is being maneuvered against God’s kingdom under Christ Jesus, which is now being established. Jehovah’s witnesses now encourage you to get a quick knowledge of God’s kingdom, so that you may find a place of safety and protection before the battle of Armageddon begins.
Consolation. November 16, 1939 p. 12
Armageddon will settle Chief Matthews’ account, anyway.
Consolation. November 16, 1939 p. 13
The Devil knowing that his time is short until the final battle at Armageddon, he has ever since attempted to turn all men against God and Christ in order to bring about the destruction of the people.
Consolation. November 16, 1939 p. 17
Armageddon, which will be the battle of the great day of God Almighty, will result in the destruction of all nations, which constitute Satan’s organization.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 17
Such flock or people will constitute the great multitude of persons that shall survive the battle of Armageddon and, being obedient to the Lord, they will live forever and populate the earth with a perfect and righteous race.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 17
Every person who survives Armageddon must be an obedient subject of the Theocratic government under Christ Jesus the King.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 18
It means that each one who receives the blessings of Almighty God must individually agree to do the will of God, take his stand firmly on the side of God and His King, and obey the laws of the Theocratic government. These must be gathered unto the Lord before Armageddon.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 18
In Armageddon, the Scriptures suggest, the earth will be split wide open, to man’s utter dismay.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 19
If any such offenders wish to square themselves with the Lord before the catastrophe of Armageddon is upon them, they will do well to clear up their former misstatements.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 23
It is the plain intent of the Creator that the vindication of His name, which will take place shortly, at Armageddon, shall be told to these forever and forever.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 26
If he is not, he will share the fate of all religionists in Armageddon, when Satan’s brood will be destroyed forever.-J. A. Williams, Lithuania.
Consolation. November 29, 1939 p. 27
He wants more religion and less Christianity; more earthly hell and horror and less hope and honesty. Let him have it, and take his medicine with the religious crowd at Armageddon.
Consolation. December 13, 1939 p. 21
So it certainly seems the two great democracies are already stinking corpses. We can but hope that Armageddon will soon clear up the mess.-H. Androz, England.
Consolation. December 13, 1939 p. 21
That which the world is hastening to, in its blindness, is the fight against God in His purpose to set up His kingdom, and which fight is known as “the battle of Armageddon”.
Consolation. December 13, 1939 p. 30
But, praise be to Jehovah, it is as God’s great Executive Officer that Christ returns, and it is He who at Armageddon will wield the Executioner’s sword against His enemies.-Translated from French Consolation by F.R. Freer.
Consolation. December 27, 1939 p. 6
Having already sent in some letters giving to the public an explanation and a view and understanding of the wonderful moving pictures of the book of Esther so eminently proper, so vitally important at this time, for the people of good will to consider, under- stand and appreciate to their lasting benefit and preservation, I was endeavoring to proceed on through to the development of the final climax pictures, therein showing just where we are on the stream of Biblical time, the preparation being made by Jehovah for the safety and lives of His “other sheep”, the people of good will, the great multitude who only are to be left after Armageddon upon the earth to fill it with a race of righteous people carrying out Jehovah’s mandate given to Adam to multiply and fill the earth.
Consolation. December 27, 1939 p. 8
It is futile, however, against the overwhelming flood of truth sweeping now throughout the earth, fully explaining present-day events and pointing to the proximity of Armageddon, which will destroy the religious, commercial and political systems organized by the Devil.
Consolation. December 27, 1939 p. 14