Note, then, what the Lord’s word says about this, at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Such disaster will befall them at Armageddon.
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 29
Shall we have Fascistic Catholicism, slavery and death OR shall we embrace Christ and his kingdom and receive true freedom and everlasting life? It is not within your power to stop the onward march of the wicked, but it is your privilege to flee to God and to his kingdom under Christ and thus find security, refuge and salvation; and let this warning be sounded now again in the language of God’s prophet Jeremiah (21:8, 9; 38:2), that all who do not flee to and obey his King, Christ Jesus, shall suffer destruction at the battle of Armageddon, which is near at hand.
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 31
Thus are faithful Christians commanded to proclaim the name of Jehovah throughout the earth just preceding the final battle of Armageddon.
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 53
Knowing that his time is short, the that his time is short till Armageddon, immediately following the World War Satan caused men to form the League of Nations to rule the earth. The religious organizations supported that League . It has now failed .
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 59
Only persons of good will toward God, and who prove their good will by exercising faith in him and obedience to his commandments, will survive Armageddon. (Jeremiah 25:34; Zephaniah 2:3)
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 61
It is such persons of good will toward God whom he will protect and shield from the fiery tribulation of Armageddon, and which persons will survive and continue to live. Such persons must prove their good will toward God by taking their stand on the side of his theocratic government under Christ, and must do so before the battle of Armageddon takes place.
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 62
The flood was a type of Armageddon, and Noah’s sons pictured the Jonadabs, who form the “great multitude” and survive Armageddon.
Fascism or Freedom. 1939. p. 62