In this time of crisis before Armageddon the water of life is being offered to all. It is a matter of one’s free will to refuse it or accept it-Revelation 22:17.
Awake! January 22, 1957 p. 20
They have seen from the Scriptures that ours is the crucial time, that the spiritual battle of Armageddon is at hand, that in it all disunifying forces will go down and that God’s righteous kingdom will bering peace to all the survivors, who will remain truly united under their Creator.
Awake! February 22, 1957 p. 12
He further declared that demonic pawers would influence world leaders in these the last days, saying that demons are performing signs “and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty” called Armageddon.-1 Corinthians 10:20; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 16:14·16, New World Trans.
Awake! March 22, 1957 p. 25
That complete suit of armor is made up of truth, righteousness, faith, hope an accurate knowledge of God’s Word, the Bible, and prayer. Devil worship is leading this old world to Armageddon, where both will be destroyed.
Awake! March 22, 1957 p. 26
Publication title: After Armageddon-God’s New World
Awake! March 22, 1957 p. 31
I am enclosing 10c for the three 32-page booklets After Armageddon-God’s “This Good News of the Kingdom” and God’s Way is Love.
Awake! March 22, 1957 p. 31
These living pearls of Korea, who dedicate their lives to Jehovah, trust in his promise for survival at Armageddon.
Awake! April 8, 1957 p. 24
Prophecy shows its time to come against all wickedness at Armageddon is near, and it will sweep aside the present wicked nations that are under Satan, the god of this old world “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”-Daniel 2:44.
Awake! April 22, 1957 p. 11, 12
Soon now all rotten trees of false religion will be cut down and hurled into the fire at God’s war of Armageddon.
Awake! April 22, 1957 p. 15
No rotten fruitage in the new world, because no rotten tree will survive Armageddon!-Revelation 16: 14; 2 Peter 3:13, New World Trans.
Awake! April 22, 1957 p. 15, 16
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 1
Table of Contents: Armageddon-the War to End All War 5
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 2
Armageddon-the War to End All War
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
Secular publication: THE Los Angeles Mirror-News proclaimed: “War Hordes at Armageddon.” An editorial in the St. Paul, Minnesota, Dispatch about H-bomb missiles was entitled “ICBM Armageddon.” A Chicago Daily News article on the Arab-Israeli conflict was headed “Armageddon,” and asked: “Did It Happen? … Will It Happen? … What Is It?”
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
Just what is Armageddon?
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
His report of one clergyman’s comment about the prophecy of Armageddon was: “The Words enshroud mysteries no man is in- tended to know now.”
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
“Armageddon” is a Bible word. The one place it appears in the Bible is at Revelation 16:14, 16.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har-Ma.ged’on [Armageddon].”-New World Trans.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
Armageddon is not a political battle, nor is it merely a clash between abstract forces of good and evil, but, as the prophecy says, it is “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 5
Armageddon is a spiritual war. Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 6
Likewise God will not destroy the earth because of men’s filth, but at Armageddon he will wipe it clean, abyssing its wicked overlord Satan, removing the doers of wickedness who follow him and ushering in the clean conditions of righteousness and peace for which all Christians have prayed when they said: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” What a change that will be from the delinquency, crime and war that have existed since man originally followed Satan into rebellion in the garden of Eden!-Matthew 6:10.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 6
Materialistic persons may scoff today, but they will be awakened with a jolt at Armageddon when they see the contrast between the power of God’s spirit realm and the relative puniness and insignificance of man.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 7
When we read in this scripture that Jesus will tread “the press of the wine of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty,” we see the seriousness of Armageddon’s battle.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 7
At Armageddon this fast living world will come to a sudden stop.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 7
The world stands at Armageddon.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 7
The sudden destruction of Sodom-like Pompeii reminds Christians today, as it probably had remained the early Christians, of Christ’s prophecy to be fulfilled in these last days when God’s war of Armageddon will soon bring sudden destruction upon this whole wicked system of things:
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 20
All of us ore ‘bloodguilty, whether we realize it or not. At Armageddon, now imminent, all not in the place of safety represented by these cities will not escape the executioner.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 32
Publication title: Read the book You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World and its companion “Let God Be True”. Mail $1.
Awake! May 8, 1957 p. 32
What effect Armageddon’s failure to come in 1914 had upon Jehovah’s witnesses? P. 14 ¶3.
Awake! May 22, 1957 p. 28
Please send me the three heart-warming booklets “This Good News of the Kingdom” After Armageddon-God’s New World and God’s Way ls Love. I am enclosing 10c.
Awake! May 22, 1957 p. 31
Paradise will be restored to earth after the battle of Armageddon and during the thousand-year rule from heaven.
Awake! July 8, 1957 p. 26
Publication title: You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World
Awake! July 8, 1957 p. 32
From its opening chapter, “Proclaiming the Good News,” to its last, “Individual Decision Now for Surviving Armageddon,” you will be gripped with the overwhelming proof that the greatest catastrophe of all time impends and that the way of escape is at hand!
Awake! July 8, 1957 p. 32
Publication title: I am enclosing 50c for the Bible-study aid You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World.
Awake! July 8, 1957 p. 32
God’s war of Armageddon, by destroying this evil system of things, will make way for a new world of righteousness.
Awake! August 8, 1957 p. 20
Armageddon, to survive into the new world in which righteousness will dwell.-Zephaniah 2:3; 2 Peter 3:13.
Awake! September 8, 1957 p. 8
With this world fast moving to God’s war of Armageddon, professed Christians sleeping along with Christendom’s churches should not delay in taking the Bible advice: “You know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep.”-Romans 13:11, New World Trans.
Awake! September 8, 1957 p. 15
How thankful we can be that Armageddon will make way for a world without competitive armaments!
Awake! September 8, 1957 p. 23
It will yet take a thousand years to realize earth’s glorious destiny. Of course, first of all God will rid the earth of all who would corrupt or destroy it. This he will do at the ‘battle of Armageddon.’
Awake! September 22, 1957 p. 7
Where are young people given an inspiring hope that is sure-the hope or living forever, after Armageddon, in God’s new world of righteousness?
Awake! October 8, 1957 p. 12
He gave his vast audiences no Scriptural explanation for the world’s flood of woes-how Satan the Devil is the “god of this system of things” and how he is now leading all nations to destruction at the war of Armageddon. Graham told his audiences nothing about God’s paramount purpose-the vindication of his name by means of a heavenly kingdom. Crusader Graham told his audiences nothing about the most pressing need of mankind; how to survive God’s war of Armageddon into his righteous new world of “new heavens and a new earth.”-2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Pet. 3:13.
Awake! October 22, 1957 p. 15, 16
Yes, only a short time remains before Almighty God destroys the Devil’s entire wicked organization in the battle of Armageddon.-1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:12.
After Armageddon there will be a peaceful, righteous world. Wickedness will not be tolerated. The earth will be turned into an Edenic paradise by those who live on it. Those who have proved their love and devotion to Jehovah and have died will be resurrected and be given an opportunity to live forever. Those now living have the hope of surviving Armageddon and entering into God’s new world to enjoy perfect health and life there.
Awake! October 22, 1957 p. 26
Yet a new and better world is just ahead following Armageddon! Awake! keeps you abreast of world events yet points the way to lasting peace.
Awake! October 22, 1957 p. 31
Table of Contents: Armageddon 12
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 2
The disaster reminded some persons Göta of what the Bible says about the collapse of the present world or system of things in the coming battle of Armageddon.
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 8
Section heading: Armageddon
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 12
The coming war to end this world is called Armageddon, and it is said to be a war of world destruction in which the heavens will be burned up.
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 12
Bold, practical preparation to survive Armageddon into God’s new world as a society of people is displayed nowhere else as in Gilead’s “course in community living.”
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 15
They see Armageddon soon clearing out a world that has turned blind eyes toward the example of a New World society, which Jehovah has created and set before their very eyes. After Armageddon the peace, the unity, the understanding that Jehovah’s name people now enjoy will suffuse all surviving mankind: “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea.”
Awake! November 8, 1957 p. 15
They will continue their lying, stealing, hating, fighting, killing and their wallowing in immorality until God brings their wicked career to an end at the coming battle of Armageddon.
Awake! November 22, 1957 p. 4
Instead of being threatened with a global flood, this modern world is threatened with the long-foretold battle of Armageddon, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”
Awake! December 22, 1957 p. 4
Persons who permit themselves to become victims of the discontent planned by advertisers are putting their very existence in jeopardy, as the spirit of materialism it creates may prevent them from surviving the battle of Armageddon.
Awake! December 22, 1957 p. 4
Very likely during this holiday Season one of these Kingdom announcers will call on you. He will tell you about the great King who shed his swaddling clothes nine-teen centuries ago and who now has all power in heaven and earth-power he will soon display as the invincible Warrior who fights God’s war of Armageddon within this generation.
Awake! December 22, 1957 p. 8
Publication title: You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World.
Awake! December 22, 1957 p. 30
Publication title: Please send me the valuable hard-bound book You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World. I am enclosing 50c. Awake! December 22, 1957 p. 30
*Did not include subject index