Or you might say: “That’s fine, if you do. Because we find many churchgoers so often don’t know these things, that God’s kingdom has been set up 1914, that Christ is now ruling, that Armageddon is near, that people are going to live on earth forever, and many other things. For example, many people wonder about this scripture.” Start sermon.
Kingdom Ministry. February 1957 p. 4
Are you interested in Jehovah? To what extent are you devoted to him? Are you sharing his interests with others? At present God’s interest are: to gather his “other sheep” before Armageddon, to have the good news of his kingdom preached in all the earth for a witness, to warn the wicked of the day of vengeance and, of utmost importance, to make his name known. for anyone that calls upon the name of Jehovah will be saved.”
Kingdom Ministry. March 1957 p. 1
Publication title: After Armageddon, God’s New World
Kingdom Ministry. April 1957 p. 3
Spiritual growth is absolutely essential to salvation. The majority of earth’s inhabitants will be destroyed at Armageddon because of their not having allowed themselves to grow up spiritually.
Kingdom Ministry. May 1957 p. 1
Publication title: You may use whatever book you have an excess supply of, such as What Has Religion Done for Mankind? “Let God Be True” and You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World, etc.
Kingdom Ministry. August 1957 p. 1
World conditions today require that all of Jehovah’s witnesses be awake as never before. Awake to what? Awake to the dangers of materialism and demon rule overrunning the whole earth, awake to the swift approach of Armageddon, awake to the need of gathering in the other sheep and feeding them, awake to our Scriptural responsibilities and the condition of our
own spirituality. Only by being fully awake can we hope to keep abreast of the New World society, survive Armageddon and be of help to others. A God-given instrument ready to help us keep awake is Awake!
Kingdom Ministry. October 1957 p. 1
Publication title: You May Survive into God’s New World-Finnish
Kingdom Ministry. October 1957 p. 3
If a sermon dwells unduly long on false doctrines, or on the badness of the present world, or on the frightfulness of Armageddon’s destruction it will not be npbuilding. Why? Because it is negative. Kingdom Ministry. October 1957 p. 4
A well-balanced sermon is what every enthusiastic Kingdom publishers needs. This means that the world’s bad deeds and false doctrines are kept at a minimum in the sermon, whereas Scriptural truth and the bright hope of God’s promises are made foremost. This is not saying that Armageddon should be left out. Kingdom Ministry. October 1957 p. 4
The warning of Armageddon and a description of its destructive results should not, however, overshadow the theme of your sermon. What Armageddon will do can be skillfully woven into an explanation of how the Kingdom will bring about a peaceful order of things.
Kingdom Ministry. October 1957 p. 4
How much time for the final ingathering? The “other sheep” must be gathered to the “one flock” before Armageddon strikes.
Kingdom Ministry. December 1957 p. 1
Terms such as remnant, theocracy, Armageddon, great multitude, goats, other sheep, Jonadabs and so forth have no meaning to outsiders unless an explanation is given.
Kingdom Ministry. December 1957 p. 4