They believe Armageddon is near.”
Awake! January 8, 1966 p. 4
For malling the coupon I am to receive free the timely booklets When All Nations Unite Under God’s Kingdom, When God Is King over All the Earth, “Peace Among Men of Good Will” or Armageddon-Which?, Security During “War of the Great Day of God the Almighty,” Healing of the Nations Has Drawn Near and God’s Way is Love.
Awake! February 22, 1966 p. 32
BE ON THE WATCH! For what? Jesus said for his return and the coming of his kingdom to Armageddon.
Awake! March 8, 1966 p. 31
War and Armageddon
Awake! March 8, 1966 p. 31
That king is Jesus Christ, now ruling from a heavenly throne, occupying a position of power secondary only to Jehovah God himself. With myriads of angels at the battle of Armageddon he will completely desolate this wicked system of things and those who insist upon remaining a part of it.
Awake! April 22, 1966 p. 17
Yet at God’s war of Armageddon it will make no difference how much power nations have.
Awake! April 22, 1966 p. 19
But the Ninevites in the ninth century B.C.E., in Jonah’s day, acted on prophecy and avoided calamity to themselves. So if individuals, or even large groups of people, should heed Bible prophecy today they also can avert calamity. Almighty God has decreed a destruction of this wicked system of things at Armageddon, and this cannot be avoided.
Awake! April 22, 1966 p. 20
Even as foretold, he will put them to rout in “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” Armageddon, now near at hand.-Matt. 28:18; Isa. 9:6; Rev.16:14, 16; 19:11-21.
Awake! April 22, 1966 p. 25
For mailing the coupon I am to receive tree the six booklets God’s Way Is Love, Healing of the Nations Has Drawn Near, Security During “War of the Great Day of God the Almighty,” When All Nations Unite Under God’s Kingdom When-God is King over All the Earth and “Peace Among Men of Good Will” or Armageddon,-Which?
Awake! April 22, 1966 p. 32
It is the same with man; even before the end of this system of things at Armageddon, temptations, trials, sorrows and testings do come.
Awake! June 8, 1966 p. 8
When the Armageddon storm strikes, their house will stand. (Rev. 16:16)
Awake! June 8, 1966 p. 8
They have good news for the people-news to the effect that in the New Order beyond Armageddon no such disaster will bring want and sorrow upon the inhabitants.
Awake! June 8, 1966 p. 19
Publication title: *See Chapter VI of You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World, published in 1955 by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
Awake! June 22, 1966 p. 28
And the battle of Armageddon will be fought here at the earth.
Awake! July 8, 1966 p. 17
At Revelation 16:14, 16, unclean inspired utterances or propaganda are shown gathering all the nations to the war of the great day of God the Almighty, which war is called Armageddon.
Awake! August 22, 1966 p. 8
What is required to SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON?
Awake! September 8, 1966 p. 32
“Armageddon” is a word seen often in the news-whenever possibility of an all-out, conclusive war is considered. But survival is not usually one of the aspects discussed. That is because most news writers do not really know what the word “Armageddon” stands for or what it will mean to us.
Awake! September 8, 1966 p. 32