Of her, the chief physician observed: “In my whole practice I have never seen such a case, where a child was so happy after learning that it had to die.” Why was this? In her letter read at her funeral she explained:
“My big hope is not to float around in heaven somewhere as a spirit. No, but I am resting in the grave till after Armageddon, and if the great Life-Giver Jehovah considers me worthy he will give me a resurrection—in honest-to-goodness flesh and blood as a human on a cleansed paradise earth in delight and happiness. So you see that is why it wasn’t hard for me to die. Can you understand that?”
Awake! July 22, 1979 p. 16
It starts with the loss of paradise by Adam and Eve and climaxes in the regaining of paradise after Armageddon.
Awake! December 8, 1979 p. 31