It also marked the time of increased sorrow upon the inhabitants of the earth, because Satan since then has desperately attempted to tum all persons away from Jehovah God and gather them together under his command preparatory for the great battle of God Almighty, or Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. p. 14, 15
That great trouble is Armageddon, which will completely wreck Satan and Satan’s entire organization.-Matt. 24:21, 22
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. p. 16
As Jesus declares that the completion of this testimony shall be followed by the great time of trouble known as Armageddon, even so the same prophet of Jehovah says: “Thus saith [Jehovah], your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel [God’s chosen people]: For your sake I have sent to Babylon [Satan’s organization], and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans [Satan’s representatives], whose cry is in the ships.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. p. 18
As a result of the radio broadcasting, thousands of letters containing orders for the kingdom literature have been received at our office. During the year radio lectures relating to the kingdom of God have been given as follows: Lectures by chain programs, 418; lectures by electrical transcription, 8,429; total number of radio lectures given under the direction of the Society in other languages, 1,128; making a total of 9,975 lectures given by radio during the year. No one could more than approximate the size of the combined audiences that have heard these lectures. The Lord has amply provided for the proclamation of the message of the kingdom to the people, and this witness work moves majestically on, and must be finished before Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. p. 50, 51
They verily believe that within a short time, in Armageddon, the name of Jehovah and His word shall be vindicated.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. p. 109
God’s organization is his chosen nation. When Armageddon is over, it will be recognized that Jehovah’s organization is the “worst” thing that ever came against Satan’s organization, and therefore they will realize that God sent against them that which is the very worst for them.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. March 16
God’s kingdom has begun to operate. His day of vengeance is here, and Armageddon is at hand and certain to fall upon Christendom, and that within an early date.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. April 3
The time is here when God’s people must make it plain to all that the nations are marching to Armageddon and that the only hope of the people is the kingdom of God.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. April 3
That time will come either before or with Armageddon. Then it will be that the class foreshadowed by Samson will pull down the structure on their own heads and die rather than deny the Lord.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. April 14
The ”servant” is now engaged in completing the witness work that Jehovah commanded must be done before Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. April 17
The destruction that shall come upon Christendom at Armageddon will be the greatest that will ever have affected the world.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. April 20
This great carnage at Armageddon will be God’s open judgment forcibly executed on the enemy organization in vindication of his word and name, and it will figuratively be meat and drink to those who delight themselves in Jehovah. (John 4:32, 34)
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. May 6
The close relationship between the commercial, political and ecclesiastical elements of the world will be broken and the ecclesiastical element will be cast away and destroyed before Armageddon. But even after that the remnant will be in danger from other enemies, and must walk circumspectly and strictly obey God’s law, if they would be preserved. Satan’s purpose now is to destroy the remnant, and he will continue to have and use earthly agents until Armageddon sweeps his power and organization completely away.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. June 8
This text is further proof that the faithful company will not be hurt by the great trouble or battle of Armageddon. This does not mean that only God’s anointed ones may be carried through the trouble of Armageddon, but that nothing that they can do will cause God to spare Christendom, her leaders, the unfaithful elders, or the principal of the flock. VI, 172
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. June 24
This prophecy applied at 1914, when the Lord Jesus was then placed upon the throne, but applies more particularly at the com- ing of the Lord Jesus to the battle of Armageddon. Then the crowns of Satan’s organization will be thrown down, and the heads broken. (Ps. 110:6)
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 4
God’s remnant cannot follow the course of the false prophet to change times and laws, but must abide strictly by the provision of the divine law as it is written. God has not changed and will not change his decree for Armageddon, nor restrain the enemy from making his assault upon his people; but he will furnish all the needed power for a counter-assault that will completely wipe the enemy out of existence. W 8/1/31
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 5
Probably the meaning is: The issue is now finally joined and must be determined at Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 9
Esther must take her stand on the side of her God and declare herself. Thus she foreshadowed what God’s people must do in this day when Armageddon is approaching.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 15
Satan’s organization will be destroyed at Armageddon, not by outraged labor, socialists, or anarchists, but by the righteous organization of Jehovah God.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 24
It is necessary for the full vindication of God’s name that he destroy the wicked; and the Scriptures abundantly teach that these workers of lawlessness will be destroyed before the eyes of the faithful remnant, and this before Armageddon. W 5/1/31
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. July 25
No ruler of Christendom will be permitted on the earth nor in any part of God’s kingdom of heaven. Jehovah will give none of these an opportunity to further reproach his name after Armageddon. VI, 256
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. August 4
As Jehovah made Ezekiel a watchman in Israel to give warning, so now God’s remnant on earth is commanded to give warning from the Lord to those who are in the way of wickedness. (3:17-21) This message from the Lord he sends out during the interval of peace between the close of the World War and the destruction of Christendom at the battle of Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. September 2
This scripture further indicates that some of the remnant will be on earth when the work is done, and will witness Armageddon from their vantage point under the Lord’s protection.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. September 24
The “man of sin” is made manifest after the com- ing of the Lord to the temple of God and after the Lord gathers together unto himself those whom he approves as the “servant”. It is but a short time thereafter until the ecclesiastical part of Satan’s organization, including the “man of sin”, will fall and be destroyed; and this takes place before Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. September 25
The battle of Armageddon is approaching, and it will ruin the business of the false prophets and prophetesses.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. October 19
It may therefore be expected that every part of Satan’s wicked organization will continue to march on to Armageddon with the full de- termination to completely destroy God’s remnant and to stop all witness work to Jehovah’s name upon the earth. There is no alternative left for the remnant. They must take the course which God has pointed out for them, knowing that their continuous unselfish devotion to the Most High will insure his preservation and deliverance of them. W 8/1/31
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. November 18
For their aid and comfort, and that they might keep bright their hope, he graciously reveals more clearly to them his purposes now, and this must indicate that the day is near when the name of Jehovah will be vindicated in the great battle of Armageddon. W 7/15/31
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. November 25
The remnant must make haste to do this by all the means which God has provided to make known his purpose to destroy the enemy and his organization at Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. November 29
Recently God has made known to his people the meaning of much that has heretofore been hidden, and may not those things be taken as proof that Armageddon is near, and the publication business concerning it and God’s kingdom requires hasty diligence and perseverance on our part? Let every one of the remnant, then, do full duty with a joyful heart. W 8/1/31
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 2
Now we are in the last days. The time to give the final witness to the name and ·word of God before Armageddon breaks is now here.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 12
Christ and those of his risen body members, and all his holy angels, will do the actual slaughter work of the enemy at Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 17
There will be no peaceful time until his fury has been satisfied upon the enemy at Armageddon.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 25
The Prophet Isaiah himself did not live to see the destruction of the city of Jerusalem; therefore these prophetic words must apply to God’s servant class whom Isaiah pictured; and this proves that the servant must continue and the witness to Jehovah’s name must go on until Armageddon, when the name of Jehovah shall be completely vindicated.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 27
The feast of jubilation of the Jews seems to fore-shadow that some of the remnant will be on the earth even after Armageddon, and that they will greatly rejoice because of the complete vindication of Jehovah’s holy name.
1932 Yearbook of the International Bible Students Association. 1931. December 30