The “great multitude” that shall survive Armageddon and fill the earth with a righteous race must now hasten to put themselves on the side of THE THEOCRACY and its King. (Revelation 7:9-17)
End of Nazism. 1940. p. 32
This vengeance Jehovah will execute upon the religionists and others at the battle of Armageddon, which is very near.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 31
All the evidence now strongly points to the fact that Armageddon is very near and that soon we may witness Satan’s defeat and the complete vindication of Jehovah ‘s name.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 40
Section heading: Armageddon
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 42
Before Armageddon all of the remnant must be bound together in full unity in Christ Jesus.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 42
The inspired words of the apostle Paul, addressed to Christians now on the earth and relating to conditions existent immediately preceding the beginning of Armageddon, are these: ‘When they shall say, “Peace and safety,” then sudden destruction shall come upon them as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.’ (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 42
When Jehovah’s witnesses make known publicly that it is the purpose of God, in the near future, at the battle of Armageddon, to destroy all opposers of his kingdom, that message greatly disturbs and angers the dictators and their religious allies.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 48
The Lord’s people have been looking for Armageddon because God’s Word declares it is certain to come, and they have looked forward to the time of their complete deliverance. How may they know when Armageddon is about to begin?
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 52
There are some persons now hearing this speech who do not believe it and will deride and mock because of what is said that is coming at Armageddon.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 53
They scorn the message concerning God’s kingdom under Christ and that Armageddon will destroy everything contrary thereto, and boastingly say: “We will now rule the world according to our pleasure.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 53
The Scriptures clearly show that Armageddon will begin with the sudden downfall of the Hierarchy and their closer allies.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 55
The battle of Armageddon will mark the final end of all of God’s enemies; as it is written: “Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies; thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.”-Psalm 21:8.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 56
Furthermore the apostle says that, when Armageddon begins, then ‘none shall escape’. Another rendering of the text is: ‘By no means shall they escape.’ (Diaglott) Armageddon will be a complete clean-up of all who oppose the kingdom of God under Christ.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 56
These are they who will form the “great multitude”, the “other sheep” of the Lord, and who, proving their integrity, shall be hidden from the wrath of God during the battle of Armageddon and taken safely through that great tribulation, and then have the blessed privilege of fulfilling the divine command to “multiply and fill the earth” with a righteous and perfect race of people. (Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:16; Zephaniah 2:3; Genesis 1:28; 9:1)
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 59
Whether we die in the full performance of duty or remain alive during Armageddon, we have the full assurance of life everlasting together with Christ Jesus: “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”-1 Thessalonians 5:11.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 60
Watch for the sign for the beginning of Armageddon and put your confidence wholly in the Lord.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 60
When the sign for the beginning of Armageddon clearly appears, may it be that then this promise of Jehovah to His people will be fulfilled, to wit: “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.”-Isaiah 26:20.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 61
If this be the last convention to be held on earth by God’s faithful people prior to Armageddon, then we will look forward with unabated joy to that great and glorious convention that shall never end.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 61
Make haste before Armageddon breaks. Inform yourselves and find the way of escape to life and endless joy.
Those of the “great multitude ” have the promise that they shall pass through Armageddon and be delivered, even as Noah and his family were saved from the flood; that after Armageddon the “GREAT MULTITUDE” will be granted the unspeakable privilege of carrying out the divine mandate to multiply and fill the earth with a perfect race of people. Such is your hope by and through Christ Jesus, and by the grace of Almighty God, “whose name alone is JEHOVAH .”-Psalm 83:18.
Conspiracy Against Democracy. 1940. p. 63
This and other supporting scriptures which follow show that God has reserved or deferred the execution of the judgment of death against these wicked ones until Armageddon, the day of his vindication, and that until that time he keeps
the wicked ones under surveillance and protects his faithful people from them. Jehovah declares that at Armageddon he will show the Devil and all his supporters that He, Jehovah God, is the Supreme One.
Religion. 1940. p. 26, 27
The other demons, working with the Devil, were active at the same time, which proves conclusively that at that time the judgment against them was not executed, but its execution was deferred from the time it was made until God’s due time, Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 36
A brief reference to the facts will show how completely religionists are in the dark. The Scriptures (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1, 3) make it plain that there will be only 144,000 of the members of “the body of Christ” and that those who shall be spared in Armageddon will be few compared to the great number of people now on the earth.
Religion. 1940. p. 47
Section heading: ARMAGEDDON NEXT
Religion. 1940. p. 97
The honest and sincere persons, who give heed to the Word of God, seek righteousness and meekness, and such only find the way of escape and safety at Armageddon. The stubborn and rebellious ones will perish at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 99
Now in these last days, and just preceding Armageddon, Almighty God by and through Christ Jesus is clearly and plainly putting these truths of and concerning religion and demonism before the people.
Religion. 1940. p. 104
Again let the people be reminded that religion is a snare and a racket, originating with the Devil, the leader of the demons, and forced upon the people by the demons: the snare of the Devil, in which to catch the people, and the racket of the religious leaders to rob the people. All the practitioners of religion, and the adherents thereto, will find no place of safety or escape at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 104, 105
The execution of the wicked will take place at Armageddon, the battle of the great day of God Almighty.-Revelation 19:11-21; 20:2, 3.
Religion. 1940. p. 107
That God’s work, designated in the Scriptures as his “strange work”, he is causing to be done now in “Christendom” and which must be completed prior to Armageddon as a witness and a warning to “Christendom”; that in doing this work God uses the people ‘taken out for his name’ together with their companions, and by these he gives warning specifically to all who have looked for individual salvation and honor, and who have been indifferent to the honor and vindication of Jehovah’s name.
Religion. 1940. p. 112
They heard the message during the “Elijah period” of the church’s work before A.D. 1918, but scorned it and now, when Armageddon is very near, they get a stronger jolt.
Religion. 1940. p. 120, 121
The heavenly kingdom message shows that the religious combine, instead of having God’s approval, constitutes an abomination in his sight, and therefore Jehovah God sounds the doom of religion and religious rulers and discloses that such shall be completely wiped out at Armageddon. Following the World War Jehovah God provided and caused his servants to use the radio, sound machines, the printing press, and other means, to carry his message amongst the people and herald his name and that of his King and kingdom to the people, and this has greatly annoyed the drinkers and interrupts their felicitations.
Religion. 1940. p. 127
God’s “strange work” hurts them and fills them with great rage, but this is nothing as to how they will feel when Jehovah performs “his act, his strange act”, at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 138
The Lord is revealing these truths today for the special aid and benefit of the people of good will, the Jonadabs, and, this information coming to them, they discern the miserable situation of religion and religionists, and they are fleeing to God’s kingdom that they might there find protection and refuge before and during Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 142
The facts now well known show that the very thing the prophecy of Joel foretold is now taking place amongst those “ministers” who have been feeding upon the things offered at the altar, and so these privileges are now taken away from them. And why should they not howl? Their income is being cut down and their pastures dried up or burned up, and they are out of a job and their days are about finished. So God tells them to mourn all night because Armageddon is near.
Religion. 1940. p. 148
When must this be done? Now, at the present time, before Armageddon begins. It will be too late to cry unto the Lord when Armageddon begins. When the battle of Armageddon is on, “then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me; for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord: they would none of my counsel; they despised all my reproof; therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.”-Proverbs 1:28-31.
Religion. 1940. p. 155
The wrath of God does not stop with the locust plague and the rainless season of famine in “Christendom”, but reaches a climax at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 156, 157
It is from Almighty God, who now sends forth his servants and messengers to declare his name and his purpose, and which he commands must be done immediately preceding the battle of Armageddon.-Exodus 9 :16, Leeser.
Religion. 1940. p. 157
The religious leaders refuse to recognize that Jehovah’s day is here. They do not want that day of Jehovah, and they refuse to hear of the battle of Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 164
With God’s typical people the priests were to sound the alarm of danger; and so in the antitypical or final fulfillment of the prophecy, it is those who are of “the royal priesthood” that must sound the alarm of the near approach of Armageddon, and in doing this they are participating in Jehovah’s “strange work”.
Religion. 1940. p. 165
The “strange work” is for the vindication of Jehovah’s name, and following Armageddon all creatures that breathe shall be praising Jehovah’s name, the vindication of which will have been fully accomplished, and no need for a repetition thereof.
Religion. 1940. p. 173
The destructive flame at Armageddon comes upon the religionists and finishes the job.
Religion. 1940. p. 174
They warn the people of the near approach of the battle of Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 183
The “strange work” of Jehovah is a warning to give the alarm of the fire of Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 184
The day of Armageddon is very close, and that day comes upon the world in general like a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2)
Religion. 1940. p. 197, 198
The judgment of the world has begun and is progressing, and the nations are now being separated, and all this must be done prior to Armageddon, and with Armageddon Satan’s organization shall cease.-Matthew 25:31-46.
Religion. 1940. p. 202, 203
Therefore this prophecy must be taken as an assurance from Jehovah that at Armageddon the enemy will be completely removed by destruction.
Religion. 1940. p. 226
The enemy is turning the mass of earth’s population against Jehovah and his King, and this is done in preparation for the final showdown at Armageddon. The result at Armageddon will be such that the “stink” of the slain enemy shall be greatest ever known: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel [memorializing the vindication of Jehovah’s name], the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea; and it shall stop the noses of the passengers; and there shall they bury Gog, and all his multitude; and they shall call it, The valley of Hamon-gog.
Religion. 1940. p. 227
Long ago God had declared that he would permit the Devil to remain and carry on opposition to Jehovah for a period of a time fixed, at the end of which, God declared, he would cause his own great name to be proclaimed throughout the earth, and that this would be just preceding Armageddon, at which time he would exhibit his supreme power against the enemy. (Exodus 9:16)
Religion. 1940. p. 245
Likewise immediately following the pouring out of the holy spirit on God’s devoted people in 1922 they were sent forth to declare the purposes of Jehovah, and the proclamation by them of God’s message was and since has been destructive to those who oppose the kingdom of God; and that destructive work will culminate when Jehovah’s “strange act” at Armageddon is performed.
Religion. 1940. p. 249
Ever and anon in these “last days” God exhibits his wrath against his persecutors, but the complete expression of his wrath will be at Armageddon, and thereafter the smoke will ascend forever, denoting that the class consumed by the fire that made the smoke have ceased to exist for ever.
Religion. 1940. p. 262
Here is further corroborative evidence that the day of Armageddon is near, because the darkness of the sun and the turning of the moon into blood, as shown by the prophecy, take place immediately “before the great and terrible day of Jehovah” coming.
Religion. 1940. p. 265
This witness work must be done before Jehovah shows to the enemy his great power, which he will do at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 265
When must one call upon the name of Jehovah, that deliverance may be had? Not after the battle of Armageddon begins, at which time all may discern by the natural sight of the eyes the expression of God’s vengeance against wickedness.
Religion. 1940. p. 266
He must call upon the name of Jehovah before the battle of Armageddon begins; and this he must do by hearing, believing and acting upon the information of truth brought to him by those who are witnesses for Jehovah, and particularly those upon whom God has placed his spirit.
Religion. 1940. p. 267
Those who remain with the religionists are certain to go down in that great catastrophe of Armageddon. Those who will find protection and salvation must hear the truth before Armageddon and must obey the Lord by fleeing from religion and religionists and diligently seek protection under Christ Jesus
Religion. 1940. p. 268, 269
Let all who so desire to follow in the lead of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and dictators, and who desire to bow down to them and hail men and salute flags, follow their own desire, but let such be fully warned of this: that only those who show their faith in God and his King, and who obey God and his King by acting before Armageddon as Rahab did, will find deliverance.-James 2:24-26.
Religion. 1940. p. 269
All persons of good will who flee to the mountains as commanded, and faithfully abide there under the protection of Christ until the end of Armageddon, will be delivered and will form the “great multitude”.
Religion. 1940. p. 270
Thus the enemy are playing right into the hand of Jehovah’s Executioner, Christ Jesus, that they may be destroyed at Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 282
At Armageddon Jehovah will deal with all nations and peoples and will cause them to know and fully realize that the faithful witnesses whom he has anointed are truly his own people who serve him without compromise.
Religion. 1940. p. 283
Any create or class of creatures that try to destroy Jehovah’s anointed people shall bring upon their heads their own destruction. These great truths the nations must learn when at Armageddon Jehovah pleads for his people, and that is the time he will vindicate his name and his people who bear his name.
God declared his purpose to have in mind at Armageddon his people whom the enemy has persecuted and do persecute, and this is seen when he says: “Whom they [the enemy] have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”
Religion. 1940. p. 284, 285
Such vicious acts of violence are incited by the clergy or leaders amongst the religionists, and it is to be expected that such acts of opposition and violence will increase until Armageddon. The Scriptures show that, immediately before Armageddon begins, the Devil’s host will, by Gog, the field marshal of Satan, come against all those who are on the side of Jehovah in an effort to destroy those faithful to the Lord and that such horde of wicked ones will not succeed in their efforts, but, on the contrary, Christ will gain the victory over them.-Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.
Religion. 1940. p. 286
Now in these ‘last days” it is not, “If ye recompense me,” as stated in the language of the prophecy, but, having done their wicked deeds, as the prophet foretold, in their contempt and defiance of Jehovah God, therefore the day of settlement has arrived and the account will be settled at the battle of Armageddon, when the enemy will be completely paid off for their wrongdoing.
Religion. 1940. p. 304, 305
Because Armageddon is near, the time to “pay off” will take place and he sends the true followers of Christ Jesus throughout the land to declare his judgment in advance of its execution.
Religion. 1940. p. 310
This Jehovah’s witnesses and companions do by drawing to the attention of the people the truth of God’s Word, which shows that religion is the product and instrument of the Devil and that at the beginning of Armageddon Jehovah will deliver religion and the practitioners thereof over to their former allies, the radical ruling element, to be destroyed.
Religion. 1940. p. 313
The vicious opposition of the enemy is now greatly increasing in America and in Great Britain, and such of itself indicates that Armageddon is near.
Religion. 1940. p. 325
When the battle of Armageddon begins, the winepress or vats will be full, because the dividing of the people will then be completed and the “goats” will be on the left hand and those of good will, the “other sheep”, on the right hand of Christ Jesus, the Judge.
Religion. 1940. p. 332
By his prophet Joel Jehovah declares his command to Christ Jesus, his glorious Vindicator, to march forward to the battle of Armageddon. At The Revelation is recorded the act of Christ Jesus in joyful and full obedience to the command of his Father.
Religion. 1940. p. 334
Armageddon means ‘the place of the assembly of Jehovah’s troops’, and the Devil gathers together his forces and marches them to Armageddon: “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” “And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”-Revelation 16:14, 16.
Religion is now relied upon by the ruling powers to hold the people together. The earthly leaders and the blinded people march to Armageddon. As the gathering of the nations to Armageddon has progressed the woes upon the people have greatly increased, and in this year 1940 the nations and the people are in very great distress because of these woes.
Religion. 1940. p. 337
But another and far greater shaking will take place at the battle of Armageddon.
Religion. 1940. p. 344
That the battle of Armageddon will result in a wide-spread destruction, the Lord says: “And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.” (Jeremiah 25:33)
Religion. 1940. p. 347
That battle of Armageddon is God’s appointed time and place to settle all accounts with his enemies, and this he will do by requiring the lifeblood of those who have deliberately violated his “everlasting covenant”. (Genesis 9:5-10)
Religion. 1940. p. 348
He will not permit those who have unrighteously shed human blood to go down to the grave in peace, but will cause all such who are on earth at Armageddon to suffer destruction.
Religion. 1940. p. 348
From bad to worse grows the condition of antitypical Egypt, and at Armageddon all parts of it will go down.
Religion. 1940. p. 352
The promise of God given to his faithful servants is that they shall survive the destruction at Armageddon: “But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.” (Joel 3: 20)
Religion. 1940. p. 352, 353
Those earthly survivors of Armageddon will be blessed with the great and unspeakable privilege of carrying out the divine mandate to “be fruitful . . . and till the earth” with perfect human creatures. (Genesis 9:1.)
Religion. 1940. p. 354
Mark this: that in the fight against the enemy none give support to the righteous King; that is, none of the world: only those do who have taken their stand on the side of God and Christ and have become a part of or under his organization before Armageddon and who are therefore his and are with him.
Religion. 1940. p. 355
Armageddon will be too terrible to find description in human words.
Religion. 1940. p. 356
When Armageddon ends, the survivors shall know that Christ is the King of The Theocracy and Jehovah is supreme Ruler thereof: “So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain; then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.”-Joel 3:17.
Religion. 1940. p. 357, 358
When Armageddon is done all in God’s organization shall be holy unto Jehovah.- Zechariah 14:20, 21.
Religion. 1940. p. 358
It is certain that after Armageddon no violence or assaults will be committed against God’s people, because the wicked will all be gone. Just at this time the hypocritical pretenders are permitted to work against God’s faithful witnesses, and those “goats” known as the “evil servant” class join with the Hierarchy, all forming the “son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) ; but shortly God will bring about the complete destruction of all such.
Religion. 1940. p. 359
In that “day” and at the end of Armageddon there shall come the time of perpetual blessings and endless joy.
Religion. 1940. p. 359