I spoke last week on the Christadelphian influence on the society, I will try to follow up on the theme of Christadelphians man made doctrine quotes and how it has had influence on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Early Founder Dr. John Thomas-buried under an obelisk
Charles Taze Russell-Pyramid near his grave
Some things I found that the Christadelphians have in common with the society:
- Rediscovered truth
- Bible prophecy
- Doesn’t use historical resources accurately
- Doctrines have changed
- Chronology
- Meeting place can be called “hall”
Youtube: Christaldephian over 1550 videos
From a former Christadelphian
“Recently I obtained a copy of your book “Unmasking Christadelphianism”, and have found it to be the most accurately informed approach to this cult…I have often wondered if Dr. Thomas was a Freemason (or other secret society member) and was influenced, knowingly or unknowingly, to promote the heresies he was ‘inspired’ to adopt.”
(B.D. Australia) http://www.reaction.co.nz/christadelphianism/testimonials.htm
As you can see from the Google link above, the Society has some commonality with the Christadelpians and other groups.